Our student and faculty researchers are making cutting-edge discoveries that expand human knowledge and advance our understanding of the world around us.

Chenyu Zhang works at a desktop computer.

Scholarship Winner Advances the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Biology and economics major Chenyu Zhang ’19 recently received a prestigious scholarship in recognition for the research work she has done to provide insight on the early immune response to breast cancer. Zhag, who has interned at the Institute of Cellular and Molecular Biology in Singapore, National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md, is working with Robert Kurt, Kreider professor and head of biology. Read more about her research.


Students Showcase Work

The 2018 Spring Poster Session showcased the outstanding work of Lafayette students across a variety of disciplines. Scholars shed light on such topics as political motivations for supporting climate change, high-tech methods for bird tracking, and the ideal biomechanics of a golf swing. Read more.

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