Jun 25, 2020
Talking It Out
‘SCOPES’ facilitate conversation around multiculturalism, equity, and social justice
‘SCOPES’ facilitate conversation around multiculturalism, equity, and social justice
Student Government Equity & Inclusion Committee is spearheading Lafayette Students for Racial Justice, an educational fundraising campaign, with 24 other…
Prof. Christian López featured in Center for Minorities and People with Disabilities in Information Technology newsletter.
A group of ASB alumni returned to campus in February to describe how ASB has influenced their lives.
Gregory Dietz ’13 launches sci-fi infused game.
Mechanical engineering professor and student have adapted to lab work at home.
Donald Miller’s latest book, Vicksburg, earns Army Historical Foundation Distinguished Writing Award.
Prof. Angela Bell, who studies how people fail to recognize their own racism, shared her expertise with CNN.
The connected Lafayette community has maintained its closeness despite the challenges of COVID-19.
Prof. Mike Butler receives award for his service to the American Ornithological Society.