Apr 17, 2019
A Wee Bit of Learning and Fun
By Stephen Wilson What one wish would you make if you caught a leprechaun? That question for fifth-graders may be easier to answer than naming their favorite…
By Stephen Wilson What one wish would you make if you caught a leprechaun? That question for fifth-graders may be easier to answer than naming their favorite…
International Students Association's annual weeklong festival included a food tasting, a Grand Finale performance night, and a dance party. Photos by Bowen…
President Alison Byerly shared insights about her leadership role and her goals for the College in a recent interview with Forbes. Byerly discussed her…
By Morgan Sturm ’19 When Robert Weiner, professor of history, first arrived at Lafayette at the age of 26, he was the second youngest faculty member…
Members of Lafayette's International Students Association taught children at March Elementary School on College Hill in Easton about different cultures…
As temperatures get higher, the beauty of our campus rises with them. Photographer Clay Wegrzynowicz provides this evidence.
Lauren Myers, assistant professor of psychology, provided expert commentary in a recent Associated Press article about eco-friendly nurseries shared in…
Story by Jill Spotz, photos by Clay Wegrzynowicz Members of the Lafayette community expressed gratitude during the College’s second annual Thank a Donor…
Students certified as EMTs can administer basic first aid, CPR, oxygen, and certain medications; use automated external defibrillators; splint broken bones;…
Through the Bradbury Dyer III ’64 Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Lafayette students learn design thinking, financial analysis, product/idea…