Nov 19, 2002
Civil Engineering Professor Art Kney Gives Seminar on “Wetlands Plants”
Art Kney, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Lafayette, recently gave a presentation of “Wetlands Plants” at Muhlenberg College…
Art Kney, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Lafayette, recently gave a presentation of “Wetlands Plants” at Muhlenberg College…
Although their candidate lost in this month’s election, three students gained significant political experience this semester in Democrat Ed O’Brien’s Congressional…
The Marquis Players are holding open auditions for Sugar, a musical based on the Billy Wilder film Some Like It Hot (starring Marilyn Monroe), 6 p.m. tomorrow…
Gary A. Evans ’57, one of the nation’s most accomplished and well-respected fundraising executives, will step down as vice president for development and…
PBS television features Lawrence L. Malinconico Jr., associate professor of geology and environmental geosciences at Lafayette, in “Volcano’s Deadly Warning…
Jeffrey D. Helm, who joined Lafayette’s faculty as assistant professor of mechanical engineering this fall, will discuss his experiences with the business…
The German Club is selling chocolate advent calendars for the holiday season. The calendars have a piece of German chocolate behind a little window for…
David W. Ellis, president of Lafayette from 1978-1990, is retiring from his position as president and director of The Museum of Science in Boston after…
Father Bill Hultberg, OSFS, chaplain of the Caron Foundation, will present “Too Sick to Sin: Addictions, Co-dependency and Hope,” a discussion of breaking…
Junior Trisha Slemmer of Quakertown hopes to discover a diamond in the rough this semester by synthesizing a rare mineral from common ones. A geology major…